Places traveled through

Places traveled through

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow......

Another day and something new.

Paul had the NG tube inserted this morning.  Hopefully this will help with the build up in the abdomen and get him the much needed relief.  Blood pressure went down this afternoon, but seems to be on the raise again this evening.  Paul is very uncomfortable with this new tube, but if it works it will be worth it!  His abdomen is still quite large and he continues to battle nausea.  No sign of the bladder and bowels improving yet, but it's still early and we haven 't done our nighttime walking.

 It has been an emotional evening as we found out a very beautiful lady, who took us under her wing when we moved to Caliente Springs died on Sunday.  Dorothy was an inspiration of living life and taking joy in the journey.  Her journey is now over and we feel truly blessed to have walked a very small piece of the journey's path with her.

Peace, love and hugs to all our friends and family.
Once again, thank you for all the get well wishes and prayers.  I share the comments and encouragement s with Paul daily.

Jo and Paul

Turkish Proverb
Man is harder than iron, stronger than stone and more fragile than a rose.


  1. Keeping you in our prayers. It'll all work out in the end!

    Your international hackster,

  2. George & KathyMarch 13, 2013

    Good to hear frim u guys and we'll keep u in our prayers. Keep us informed. Love, Kathy & George

  3. Sending huge hugs, love and support.


  4. Paul, if you can manage walking - even short ones several times a day - that will help tremendously in getting your body functioning again. I know you know that, and I know it's difficult when you feel lousy, but trust me . . . been there, done that. I walked and walked and walked some more when in hospital and continue to this day. While still an inpatient, my surgeon said that was the best thing I could do, at the time and in the future. I had half my colon removed in August related to the cancer last summer. Even now, I notice on the days I do not walk, I don't feel as well. (I'll spare you the details, ha!) Hang in there and try not to be discouraged. This is a journey and can only be taken one step at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time. Jo is right by your side, as so many of us are with you in spirit. Gentle hugs to you both. :)
