Places traveled through

Places traveled through

Monday, March 11, 2013

Baby steps

Today's  update....

We had a good visit with daughter Elizabeth and grandson Gage yesterday afternoon.  Paul was walking the halls when they got off the elevator so Gage being a rambunctious two year old, decided to play "hide and seek", with Paul being the seeker.  Paul with the I.V. Pole in tow played along making a big deal out of finding Gage around corners.  Paul's walks have increased from five - ten minutes to ten -fifteen minutes.  He was worn out and took a nap when we got back to the room.

Later in the evening he attempted to get in another walk.  It didn't happen.  He sat on the bed nauseated and shaking.  Once again he started vomiting the brownish stomach bile.  It was a rough night with the bladder and the bowels not working.  His blood pressure has been going up and down like it has never done before.  He was sick to his stomach most of the night, even the meds didn't seem to help much, besides knocking him out.  Last night he had a ultrasound on the bladder.  They have been keeping a watch on it to make sure it is not so filled that it would cause more problems with the intestines and bowels not working.

This morning the doctor ordered an X-ray to check for blockage, thank goodness none is present.  It did show a lot of air and of course the feeding tube food.  Doctor said if the bowels do not empty themselves by tomorrow afternoon he will insert a N.G. Tube through the nose to remove the air and help the abdomen to decrease in size.    Paul did get some movement from the bowels but it also included a lot of vomiting this morning.   He is complaining that his esophagus feels like it is burning.  This is caused by the gastric acid coming up from the stomach.  Paul is still not eating or drinking.  It has been nine days since Paul has been able to swallow food.  Liquids are only very tiny sips, less the a teaspoon and extremely sparingly so he does not vomit it up.

On a good note, I was able to administer Paul his meds last night and once today to get used to working with the J tube.  I also have been cleaning it daily.  Nothing like learning something new!

We are hanging in there.....
There is Japanese proverb that continues to pop into my mind...." Fall seven times, stand up eight"
We plan to keep standing up no matter how many times this disease makes us fall down,

Thanks for the encouraging comments,
Jo and Paul


  1. So glad that I found you, my heart and prayers are with you ..... a hug awaits you


  2. We are both looking forward to that hug!
