Places traveled through

Places traveled through

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday, Monday....

My intention was to do an update last night, but trying to clear my mind and get a bit of sleep took over.   How can someone feel so tired all the time?  And if I feel this tired I can't help but wonder how tired Paul must be feeling.

Yesterday turned out to be a busy day.  They got Paul out of bed early and he had his breathing treatment.  Actually breathing treatments are every four hours.   They are still trying to break up all the yucky stuff in his lungs so that his breaths will not be so labored.  After the morning treatment he was informed that Physical Therapy would be coming.  So he had P.T come and do an assessment on what he needs.  After that Occupational Therapy came in to do an assessment of what he will be needed.  Paul continues to have his blood sugars check every hour.    It was a very busy day and he was exhausted.  In the late afternoon we both needed a nap so the nurse was kind enough to pull the curtains and not let anyone bother us for an hour.  The nurse even offered me a hospital bed to lay in, I told her I really appreciated that but I am highly allergic to hospital beds and they give me a rash.

Last night as Paul dozed off, his heart rate once again went up.  He continues to struggle with his heart rate maintaining a normal sinus rhythm.  This morning I was told that he went into AFIB again, it was brief, but all the same it was there.  They will be doing an Echocardiogram sometime today.  This brought up a lot of questions from Paul.  One was..... What's next?  How much more do we put his body through?  At what point is his quality of life compromised to where the quantity is not important?  I've asked for a Social Worker to come talk to us both as I think we a starting to feel the effect of him being in ICU for so long and the exhaustion for us both is taking a toll.

We never even discussed the possibility of this outcome.  Him ending up without an esophagus was never one of listed complications.   We are struggling with questions and need answers.  I have a list of questions and will be asking the doctor to set aside some time to talk with us both.

That is the update for this morning.

Hugs to all our dear families and friends.



  1. Fatigue and frustration can take its toll but don't let it win! Don't let it beat ya! Keep up the fight and let your love feed you! Hug and a kiss

  2. AnonymousJune 24, 2013

    Hugs to you and Paul.

  3. AnonymousJune 24, 2013

    One day at a time, one step at a time. Much love and positive encouragement from Don and I. Love you.

  4. AnonymousJune 24, 2013

    sending heartfelt thoughts your way.. Barbara NY

  5. AnonymousJune 24, 2013

    As James said, frustration and the unknown can be extremely tiring. Know that you and Paul are in our thoughts. We send you tons of love and positive energy. My cell number is the same. Call any time you need to talk. I'm here to listen.

    Kathy and Kirk

  6. Love you guys! Hope for the best in however it goes on from here ^_^

  7. AnonymousJune 25, 2013

    You remain not only in MY thoughts and prayers, but also in those of many of my friends who continue to ask for updates. Your strength and love are an inspiration to many.
    Love, hugs and prayers-Jeannie (and friends!)

  8. AnonymousJune 25, 2013

    The same applies here, you both are so very precious to all of us here and we continue to keep you both in our hearts, and prayers.
    Love always
    Barb & Steve
