Places traveled through

Places traveled through

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Home, now onto healing

We are home.  Now the healing begins, and the chaos of scheduling medical appointments, nursing visits, and supplies being delivered or not!

Paul's strength and stamina is very low.  He barely made it up the stairs last night, saying "I can't do this!"  I continued to encourage him with "Yes, you can, you are stronger than you think!" "Besides, I'm right here behind you if you think you are going to fall!"  I didn't stop to think who would be behind me if he fell backwards, but then again, I think my Guardian Angel got it covered!   He he did it! I think I should have had a ramp installed or asked if anyone had a ramp that was not in use.  I know how hard this is for him, the everyday struggle.  To walk up the 2 steps to the bedroom leaves him gasping for breath.  It will take time and a lot of effort.  I am encouraging him to do a little more each day as I feel it is the only way he will regain the muscle in his legs.   And he has to gain back that muscle because he is a little bit too big for me to carry!  *grin   Paul lost 30 pounds again, but in losing the weight, he also lost muscle and fat. Anyone who knows Paul, knows he didn't have any fat to lose.

On another good note, as soon as Paul is strong enough to make it down the stairs, then he can get in the pool for some water exercise.  I told the doctors about the wonderful Underground  Hot Spring Mineral pools and Spas at Caliente Springs, and they all think it is a fabulous idea for Paul to get in and take in some of the healing energy that it would provide.

Below is a a flow-sheet I created to stay on top on everything Paul needs during the course of the day. I'm sure there is going to be more then what is reflected on the flow-sheet, but this at least will help me stay on track with what he needs from 6 am to bedtime.   Somehow we will fit in our weekly visits back to L.A., time for the oncologist to do a follow-up visit and me to get my medical appointments.  I'm not worried, I know it will all fall into place and be exactly as it should be.

Thank you to all who continue to share in our journey.

P.S. Thanks for Chicken Soup, it was delicious!


  1. AnonymousJuly 30, 2013

    Welcome home. :)

    Michael and Sallie

  2. I am so thankful you guys are back home!

  3. So glad that you are finally home. We continue to keep you and Paul in our prayers.
    Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to You in this time of Illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden.
    Dear God, we place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servant Paul to health again.
    Above all, grant us the grace t6o acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatsoever You do. You do for the love of us.Amen
    We love you both and know that every day is a new challenge for you.
    Big hugs, Lots of love and prayers sent across the miles.

  4. Gosh knowing you are home makes me want to call you....HOWEVER looking at your schedule I will be content hearing all about Paul's progress on the blog and will send my phone call in the form of a you guys lots, big hugs alicia
