Places traveled through

Places traveled through

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Reality .....

What Cancer Cannot Do......

It cannot cripple Love.

It cannot shatter Hope.

It cannot corrode Faith.

It cannot eat away at Peace.

It cannot destroy Confidence.

It cannot kill Friendship

It cannot shut out Memories

It cannot silence Courage.

It cannot quench the Spirit

Here I sit into the wee hours of morning.  Listening to Paul's movements as he sleeps.  Lately, I find myself laying awake just to listen to the sound of his breathing deep into the night.  It is comforting to hear the soothing breath as his body relaxes and rests. Or to hold him close and feel his warmth and smell the scent that is his alone.  But tonight too many thoughts fill my mind.  Too many emotions overtake my senses.  I know that worrying is useless.  This is not worry but something else.  I can't quite put my finger on it.  It is almost an anticipation, an eagerness for the next few weeks to be over so that we can move forward and get this behind us.  It seems like we have been waiting forever for the surgery date to arrive.  Has it only been four months since Paul was diagnosed with this cancer?  It seems like a lifetime ago.  So many hurdles, so many set backs, so much time spent waiting for appointments, and testing, and follow-ups, with this doctor or that doctor.   And now that the date is set, I am scared.  I find myself frightened of all the "What if's" that have been suppressed, hidden, forbidden from taking form.  I have managed to stay strong this far, to clean the wounds, to comfort him when he was at his sickest, to encourage him when he felt his own body betrayed him.  Yet now... I am frightened of him actually going through with this surgery, but on the other hand, I am more frightened of him not having surgery and letting cancer win.

Maybe it's not worry at all, only the effects of  too much late afternoon coffee! 



  1. Dearest Jo,

    You (and Paul) are approaching another unknown - the surgery. What you are feeling is natural. Once you enter that experience, you'll become involved with the process and meet it with the courage, Faith, strength, determination and skills that carried you this far. Yes, it is "worry" but it is what comes in this lull between processes. I am so, so very glad you two have this respite between treatment and surgery to enjoy and savor peaceful and joyous moments together! Yes, cancer can do many things but there are even more that it CANNOT do! You guys rock! Hang in there and know that there are so many of us keeping you close, holding space for you. I think I gave you my phone number, so please feel free to call me ANYtime. Been through it and came out the other side twice, so I totally understand. Gentle hugs and love to you both . . .

  2. Betty,

    Thank you for your continued good energy and gentle hugs.
    We are "Hanging in there!"


  3. AnonymousJune 06, 2013

    Dear Jo,
    I can only imagine the roller coaster of emotions you're experiencing right now. But I have a pretty good imagination, so I think I know what you're feeling. I KNOW you'll get through this, just as you know you will. Thoughts and prayers are with you always. I hope the doctor addressed ALL your questions and concerns today and put both of you as much at ease as you can possibly be before this next step. I heard you're going to have some company this weekend. Go out and have some FUN! And know that I'm just one of MANY here in your corner.
    Lots of love,

  4. Thanks Jeannie,
    Yes, Mary and John are coming for a weekend visit. It will be a good distraction to all this medical stuff. Elizabeth will be here Sunday. She has booked us a hotel room for Monday so we don't have to do a two hour drive before surgery.
    Thank you for the prayers and positive thoughts and energy!
    Jo and Paul
