Places traveled through

Places traveled through

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

It's Wednesday!

EEK!  I woke up this morning to the coffee making being on but no coffee.  It seems the coffeemaker has come to the end of it's journey in life, on to the Big Kitchen Counter in the sky, or in reality, the dumpster.   So this morning I made coffee the old fashion way, boiled water and dripped it through the coffee grounds.  Desperation for caffeine is not a pretty site! Thanks goodness we have a backup at the house that we used for company.  I'll go get it later today after we get out for our daily walk.  

Paul is scheduled to receive his first radiation treatment this afternoon.  From everything I could get my hands on to read, it should not be too bad and the side effects are not instant.  He will have a few days to adjust to the changes in his body.  Chemo is scheduled for Thursday this week and next week.  We are looking forward to getting all these reoccurring appointments on the calendar then we can create some sort of schedule for ourselves.  Having a schedule will give us time to plan walks and get out to do some visiting with friends. I'm looking for a little bit or normalcy and routine.

The abdomen wound is healing and looks great.  The Home Health nurse is pleased with it and there is no sign of infection.  Yea!!!  I will continue to change the bandages, clean the wound and do what I've been seems to be working.

Yesterday I put a call in to the surgeon as the bottom stitches on the J tube have been pulling the skin and creating the area to become very tender and swollen.  With the surgeon's approval I snipped them and pulled them out.  We will tape it in place until our follow-up appointment in a couple of weeks. It took a bit or maneuvering to get under it and snip, as the stitches were in very, very tight.  Paul took a couple deep breathes and  even yelled "Ouch" a couple of times...after a few attempts to get under the J tube and with very shaky hands on my part...  snipped! Relief covered his face.  He laughed and said, "Now take the other two stitches out!"  My reply, "No way!  That is all that's left holding the J tube in place." 

We appreciate the visits and well wishes from all our friends.  
Thank you for all the hugs we've gathered over the last couple of days.  

Jo and Paul

Reflection of my early morning thoughts.....

I asked God 
"Why do I have to climb so many mountains in my life?"

Mount Diablo

He replied 
"So that you may have a better view"


  1. How did radiation and chemo go? How ya feeling? Ter

    1. So far it's going pretty good without any significant side effects.
