Places traveled through

Places traveled through

Saturday, January 7, 2012

First Week of January

It has been a busy week.  More and more people are coming in from the North to stay for a couple of months and  travelers staying from overnight to a couple of weeks as they make their way farther South.  We have a variety of people coming into the Resort, a lot of Canadians, Washingtonians, some from Oregon, Northern California and Idaho, and a handful from the United Kingdom, Germany and even Russia!   It is a delightful mix of people and I enjoy hearing the stories as they share their adventures.

With the Christmas Holidays behind us it is time to "take down" Christmas.  We have spent some time at Norb and Barbara's taking down the Christmas lights, packing up the tree decorations and talking about the joys we had with visiting family.  It's also time to box up our small Christmas tree away for another year.  As I wrap each treasured ornament carefully with tender loving care, reread each card received  I feel a small twinge at the heart strings when I "put away" Christmas.  The memories of the celebrations lingers and fills my heart with a touch of sadness knowing that our families are so far away in distance.

This past week we had a  Music and Comedy act here at Caliente Springs.  The entertainer was "Lee Fugal".  He brought a delightful mix of music and comedy that had us laughing loudly and tapping our feet to his wonderful blend of music.  We've never seen someone play a Garden Hose or a Bicycle Pump and his other contraption .. a Baseball Bat Guitar!  He went on to play the microphone stand and his own invention of three trumpets rigged together.  It was amazing to hear his "Ten Fingered Fireworks" as the played the "Bumblebee" on the piano in triple time!

Balloon Powered Bagpipe 
Three trumpets!
The Weatherman has said it has been unusually warm for this time of year with the temperatures in the high 70's and low 80's.  We are not complaining as we enjoy the sunshine and the longer days of the new year.  It seems that a lot of the country is experiencing the same phenomena in warm winter temperatures.  Who ever thought those in the Mid-West would be having Spring weather in the middle of Winter!  Is this a sign of Global Warming or just another hundred year shift in the weather?

In the coming weeks we hope to do a bit of Geocaching and hiking up the foothills behind the Resort. We'll keep you posted on that adventure!

Thanks again for stopping by and sharing in our journey of life.

Jo and Paul

An Irish Blessing...

May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow.
May the soft winds freshen your spirit.
May the sunshine brighten your heart
May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you.
And may God enfold you in the mantle of His love.

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