Places traveled through

Places traveled through

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Was it that cold?

Woke up this morning to crisp and cool air and no water coming out of the kitchen faucet.  I didn't think it was supposed to get that cold last night!  Thank goodness for having some water in the holding tank to use until the incoming hose defrosted in the Colorado sunshine. Got to have that morning coffee to start the day!  Our water pressure gauge was damaged by being frozen so off to the store to get a new one but, actually, the day turned out to be a very nice one!
Tonight the water will be left dripping. I don't care if they say it's not going down to freezing temperatures! Better safe than sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what fun,, welcome to winterLOL I know it is not offically here yet. but it sure gets colkd at night, was only 27 degrees early this morning here.. It warmed up a bit, and we are enjoying working out doors, collecting seeds and cleaning up the gardens.. Getting ready to till them and get them ready for witner.. Sound like you and Jo are having a wonderful adventure.. Drive safe and Angels watch over you, Much Love, Big Hugs and smiles sent across the miles.. Love you both, Toni and Bill
